Object structure

Analysis of Polymorphic DNA Sequences in the Identi cation of Individuals and its Possible Use in Biometric Systems, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2015, nr 2


Kartasińska, Ewa ; Brągoszewska, Anna

Subject and Keywords:

genetic profiling ; DNA matching ; DNA identification ; genetic marker


The article presents the achievements in DNA forensic science practice, the latest developments as well as future trends. The article concerns also other than forensic DNA applications as well as expectations, concerns and obstacles. DNA identification technology unlike other biometric techniques requires the collection of biological material and the identification is not performed in real time. DNA utilized in most of forensic identification, is present almost in every living cell in the body. What is more, each cell of the same body has the same DNA molecule which means that it is possible to compare the DNA sampled from different sources, for example saliva with blood or semen from the same person. Rapid development and reliability of DNA technology contribute to the fact that the analysis of polymorphic DNA sequences constitutes a very important evidence used in the court. The unique properties of DNA and rapid development of DNA analytical devices allow to claim that DNA may assume a more important position amongst biometric data in the future.


National Institute of Telecommunications


2015, nr 2

Resource Type:




Resource Identifier:

ISSN 1509-4553, on-line: ISSN 1899-8852


Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology



Rights Management:

Biblioteka Naukowa Instytutu Łączności



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