
Title: Multimedia Mathematical Communication in a Diverse Group of Students, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2019, nr 2


The article tackles the problem of improving mathematical communication in a group of students with different visual impairment levels, under the guidance of a group leader or a teacher. Visually impaired persons face a problem while learning mathematics. The said problem results from the specific nature in which mathematical content (formulas, function graphs, geometrical figures and projections of solids) is recorded and presented. The effectiveness of learning mathematics is boosted when students work in a group moderated by a leader. This requires them to share documents, with the leader being able to keep track of the individual work of each participant, and with the group discussing specific solutions. In order for a visually impaired student to be able to participate in and contribute to the work of the group, either remotely or locally, all participants must use universal IT tools that support visually impaired students without complicating the work of others. This paper presents interactive multimedia solutions developed under two research projects carried out by the author. The said solutions support communication in mathematics. Results of qualitative surveys on new solutions are presented, confirming their usefulness and the measurable impact they exert on the efficiency of the group’s work concerning mathematical problems


Instytut Łączności - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy



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ISSN 1509-4553, on-line: ISSN 1899-8852 ; oai:bc.itl.waw.pl:2098


Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology



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