
Title: Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, Improved Signal Detection Techniques for QOSTBC System in Fast Fading Channel, 2020, nr 1


Most existing quasi-orthogonal space time Block coding (QO-STBC) schemes have been developed relying on the assumption that the channel is at or remains static during the length of the code word symbol periods to achieve an optimal antenna diversity gain. However, in time-selective fading channels, this assumption does not hold and causes intertransmit-antenna-interferences (ITAI). Therefore, the simple pairwise maximum likelihood decoding scheme is not sufficient to recover original transmitted signals at the receiver side. To avoid the interferences, we have analyzed several signal detection schemes, namely zero forcing (ZF), two-step zero forcing (TS-ZF), minimum mean square error (MMSE), zero forcing - interference cancelation - decision feedback equalizer (ZF-IC-DFE) and minimum mean square error - interference cancelation { decision feedback equalizer (MMSE-IC-DFE). We have proposed two efficient iterative signal detection schemes, namely zero forcing - iterative interference cancelation - zero forcing { decision feedback equalization (ZF-IIC-ZF-DFE) and minimum mean square error - parallel interference cancelation - zero forcing – decision feedback equalization (MMSE-IIC-ZF-DFE). The simulation results show that these two proposed detection schemes significantly outperform all conventional methods for QOSTBC system over time selective channel.


National Institute of Telecommunications



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ISSN 1509-4553, on-line: ISSN 1899-8852 ; oai:bc.itl.waw.pl:2121


Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology



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