
Tytuł: Microwave radiometry in monitoring and emergency mapping of water seepage and dangerously high groundwaters, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2007, nr 1


Detailed and geo-referenced maps identifying the locations of saturated and dry levees can be produced using microwave radiometric measurements from a light aircraft or helicopter, and integrated with GPS for positioning and orientation. The development of synergetic remote sensing technology for raised groundwater and seepage detection by the joint use of microwave and optical data along with GIS databases is an effective and most contemporary way of supporting risk assessment and facilitating disaster prevention and management. In this paper we present a remote sensing microwave technology for monitoring and detection of areas of water seepage through irrigation constructions, levees and dykes as well as for revealing areas with dangerously high groundwater level. The possibility for emergency response mapping, integrated with GPS and GIS data, facilitates the risk assessment and management services. The passive microwave radiometry (PMR) is based on spectral measurements in the millimetre to decimetre range of wavelengths. Compared to other remote sensing techniques, such as colour and infrared photography, thermal images and lidar, PMR is the only technology taking measurements under the earth’s surface and therefore is very well suited for water seepage and underground water monitoring in a fast and reliable way.


Instytut Łączności - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Warszawa



Identyfikator zasobu:

ISSN 1509-4553, on-line: ISSN 1899-8852 ;


Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology




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7 sty 2010

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